Friday, August 9, 2019

Multiculturalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Multiculturalism - Essay Example We have to get rid of the stereotypes and learn to embrace the strengths that everyone brings to the table. Instead of ridiculing someone because they are different we are to seek the commonalities so that everyone is included in whatever we are doing. When you are in a classroom it is very important to take into consideration the diversity of cultures that are represented. In many school districts Americans struggle with the idea that they have to teach English as a second language to those children who come from Mexico. It is important to make sure that all children are included in the classroom by encouraging them to explore their differences. Some teachers bring in readings about different cultures and create activities around them. Children today do not only have racial differences because of the extended families that raise them. Today a teacher my have children who are disabled, who come from single parent homes and those who come from gay or lesbian homes. These are all a part of the multicultural arena in the class room and all should be made to feel comfortable in their learning. Gender bias in the classroom is not new. There have been several studies done to show that boys and girls receive different educations in most classrooms. In elementary schools many girls are looked over when they raise their hand to answer a question in favor of a boy to answer. In other classrooms it is the boys who are getting the lower grades and who are being referred to special education classrooms. Sometimes this bias comes because of the way the teacher perceives the individual learners in each category. Some teachers seem to socialize young girls towards what they expect a feminine individual to do. They also pressure the boys to accept the role that someone masculine would assume. Chapman (2008) suggests that education teaches girls that they are not equal to boys and there are behaviors that

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